Collection: Peridot

Peridot gems are found in many parts of the world, including the United States, Egypt, and Myanmar. The gem's origins can be traced back to the volcanic island of Zabargad in the Red Sea, which was an important source of peridot in ancient Egypt. 
Ancient origins
The ancient Egyptians called peridot the "gem of the sun" 
They believed it protected the wearer from nightmares and other terrors of the night 
The Egyptians kept the location of Zabargad a secret 
The island was lost to antiquity after the fall of the Egyptian empire 
It was rediscovered in 1906, but the peridot deposits there are now exhausted 
Modern sources
The San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona is a major source of peridot today 
Peridot is also mined in Arkansas, Hawaii, Nevada, and New Mexico 
Other sources include Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Kenya, Mexico, Myanmar, Norway, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania 
Peridot can also be found in meteorites 
Peridot was used to adorn religious objects during the Crusades 
It became popular in jewelry in the late 1800s 
Peridot is often used in birthstone jewelry, anniversary gifts, and engagement rings